- CLIK...PER LEGGERE COMMENTI E VEDERE VIDEO.......www.youtube.comLibya delay Gaddafi burial "to let everyone know that he died".His burial was delayed for several days until it decides the final site, said the oil minister...
- www.youtube.comThe corpse of Muammar Gaddafi's son, Mo'tassim, is laid out in a private house in Misrata.
- www.youtube.comMisurata .Al Arabiya mostra il corpo di Motassim , uno dei figli di Gheddafi. Il cadavere , con ferite al petto e al collo, giace a terra I ribelli fanno fot...
- www.youtube.comفديو حديث جداااا حوار بين الثوار ومعتصم القذافي معتصم القذافي يتحدث مصراته موته ويظهر انه جالس ويدخن بشراهه و يرفض ان يقول الله أكبر بعد ان قال له احد الثوار...
- www.youtube.comتعذيب القذافي قبل إعدامه Gaddafi beaten before being murdered Uncensored Video of lynching of Gaddafi دون رقابة | فيديو لاعدام القذافي فيديو واضح لجثة القذاف...
- www.informationclearinghouse.i
nfo What happens when you fail to allow your people and national resources to be plundered by international corporations and the IMF? - www.informationclearinghouse.i
nfo What happens when you fail to allow your people and national resources to be plundered by international corporations and the IMF? - www.unita.it«La storia comincia a correre. Cambia l'epoca e si rompe il vecchio mappamondo e il Mediterraneo torna al centro della scena del mondo. I giovani libici chiedono la cacciata del rais Gheddafi che è stato un despota per molti anni a disposizio...
- www.youtube.comStriking and horrendous video of Gaddafi being attacked and killed by rebel fighters
- www.youtube.comAired on Oct 02. Source:http://bcfm.org.uk/2011/10/02/
14/dialect-radio-35/9922 Fulvio Grimaldi is the legendary Italian (and former BBC) journalist and film...
lunedì 24 ottobre 2011
DOVEROSO ! Fulvio Grimaldi
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