mercoledì 8 luglio 2015

Roger Waters e Desmond Tutu a Caetano Veloso e Gilberto Gil: Non esibitevi in Israele

Roger Waters e Desmond Tutu a Caetano Veloso e Gilberto Gil: Non esibitevi in Israele

(30 Giugno 2015)
Inviamo di seguito il comunicato del Comitato nazionale palestinese per il Boicottaggio, Disinvestimento e Sanzioni contro Israele

BDS Italia

La società civile palestinese, Roger Waters, l'arcivescovo Desmond Tutu e importanti personaggi brasiliani invitano Caetano Veloso e Gilberto Gil a non esibirsi per l'occupazione e l'apartheid israeliani
Importanti figure come l'arcivescovo Desmond Tutu, Roger Waters, l'ex-ministro brasiliano per i Diritti Umani e relatore dell'ONU Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro hanno scritto alle celebri star brasiliane Gilberto Gil e Caetano Veloso chiedendo di annullare la loro esibizione in Israele. L'attuale ministro della Cultura brasiliano, Juca Ferreira, ha detto:"Se fossi in loro, non andrei."

Appena Veloso e Gil hanno annunciato il loro progetto di esibirsi a Tel Aviv come parte del loro tour europeo, il Movimento globale di Boicottaggio, Disinvestimento e Sanzioni (BDS), guidato dai palestinesi, ha lanciato una campagna in Brasile e in Palestina chiedendo loro di stare dalla parte giusta della storia e annullare il concerto nell' Israele dell'apartheid. Anche i movimenti sociali brasiliani e migliaia di attivisti hanno chiesto agli artisti di evitare Tel Aviv.

L'esibizione di Veloso e Gil a Tel Aviv, prevista per il 28 luglio, si terrà qualche giorno dopo il primo anniversario del bagno di sangue provocato nel 2014 da Israele nella Striscia di Gaza assediata, condannato come un "massacro" contro i civili palestinesi dalla presidentessa del Brasile Dilma Rousseff. Un rapporto recentemente pubblicato dall'ONU ha stabilito che Israele potrebbe aver commesso crimini di guerra durante il suo attacco di 51
giorni contro Gaza.

Nel suo appello a Caetano e Gil, la campagna palestinese per il boicottaggio accademico e culturale di Israele (PACBI) ricorda loro che esibirsi a Tel Aviv li assocerebbe a un regime di occupazione, colonialismo di insediamento e apartheid che sta perseguendo la pulizia etnica dei nativi palestinesi.

Desmond Tutu ha scritto: "Io stesso posso testimoniare della realtà di apartheid che Israele ha creato all'interno dei suoi confini e nei Territori Occupati...Se non possiamo, quanto meno, accogliere gli appelli della società civile palestinese astenendoci dall'ignorare la loro resistenza pacifica e le loro aspirazioni a una vita senza oppressione, staremo rinunciando ai nostri obblighi morali. Nelle situazioni di oppressione, la neutralità significa stare dalla parte dell'oppressore."

Roger Waters ha scritto: "Proprio come i musicisti non andavano a suonare a Sun City, a maggior motivo non andiamo a suonare a Tel Aviv. Non c'è più posto oggi in questo mondo per un altro regime razzista e di apartheid."

L'ex-ministro brasiliano per i diritti umani, relatore dell'ONU e membro della Commissione Nazionale Brasiliana per la Verità, ha scritto: "Per la stima di cui entrambi godete in Brasile e nel resto del mondo,..per la vostra autorità morale per aver resistito contro la dittatura e per aver lottato contro la censura, mi permetto di chiedervi di non esibirvi in Israele."

In risposta alla lettera di Roger Waters, Caetano ha scritto: "Sarei contento di lasciar perdere se fossi sicuro che sia la cosa giusta da fare. Devo pensare con la mia testa, fare i miei errori."

Oltre a Roger Waters, altri importanti artisti internazionali, come Lauryn Hill, Elvis Costello, Snoop Dog, Carlos Santana, Coldplay, Lenny Kravitz, Cassandra Wilson, Cat Power, Marinah e Faithless hanno annullato le loro esibizioni in Israele.

Questa settimana Thurston Moore, membro fondatore dei Sonic Youth, ha confermato il suo appoggio al boicottaggio culturale di Israele, facendo seguito alla cancellazione di un suo concerto a Tel Aviv ad aprile.

Di seguito le lettere di Roger Waters, Desmond Tutu, PACBI e Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro

Roger Waters,

22nd May 2015,

Dear Caetano and Gilberto, I look at your photographs, I listen to your music, I read the history of your personal and professional struggles, I am reminded of all the struggles of all the peoples who have resisted imperial, military and colonial rule down the millennia, who have fought for 'the imprisoned and the dead.' It has never been easy, but it has always been right.

In one of your songs, Gil, you mention Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I do not speak Portuguese, but I am assuming you both applaud Archbishop Tutu's resistance to the racism and apartheid that was eventually overthrown in South Africa. Those were heady days when the worldwide community of artists stood shoulder to shoulder with their oppressed brothers and sisters in Africa. We, the musicians, led the charge then, in support of Nelson Mandela, the ANC, the oppressed African people and all 'the imprisoned and the dead.'

We face a similarly momentous opportunity now. We stand at a tipping point. Those of us who are convinced that the right to a decent human life, and to political self determination, should be universal are, in concert with 139 voting Nations at the General Assembly of the United Nations, now focused on Palestine.

In the wake of last summer's brutal Israeli attack on the Palestinian people in Gaza, public opinion has, quite rightly, swung in favor of the victims, in favor of the oppressed and disenfranchised, in favor of 'the imprisoned and the dead.'

Israeli Prime Minister Netenyahu, with his teetering far-right government, reminds me of the story of The Emperor's New Clothes; there surely never was a cabinet more nakedly exposed in their calumny than this. They damn themselves with every breath they take, every racist speech they make. "Look Mummy, The Emperor has no clothes!"

I had occasion recently to write a letter to a young English entertainer, Robbie Williams; I shared with him the fate of four young Palestinians playing soccer on the beach in Gaza who were killed by an Israeli artillery shell. Why would I bring up a beach and soccer? Why? Because I love Brazil, I have Ipanema Beach in my mind's eye; I remember gigs I have done in Sao Paulo, Porto Allegro, Manaus and Rio. How could I ever forget them? I have a football shirt, signed, "To Roger from your Fan Pele".

When I was last there, an innocent child had just been killed, dragged behind a car by criminals escaping the scene of a crime. The national remorse was palpable, it was all encompassing, you, all of you, cared for that poor kid. In so many ways, you are a beacon of light to the rest of the world.

As you know, international artists concerned about human rights in apartheid South Africa refused to cross the picket line to play Sun City. In those days, Little Steven, Bruce Springsteen and 50 or so other musicians protested against the vicious, racist oppression of the indigenous peoples of South Africa. Those artists helped win that battle, and we, in the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian freedom, justice and equality, will win this one against the similarly racist and colonialist policies of the Israeli government of occupation. We will continue to press forward in favor of equal rights for all the peoples of the Holy Land. Just as musicians weren't going to play Sun City, increasingly we're not going to play Tel Aviv. There is no place today in this world for another racist, apartheid regime.

When all this is over, we will go to the Holy Land, we will sing our songs of love and solidarity, we will gaze at the stars through the leaves of the olive trees, we will smell the wood smoke from the fires of our hosts, we will treasure the legendary hospitality. But, until this is over, until all the people are free, we will plant our emblem in the sand, there is a line we will not cross, we will not entertain in the court of the tyrant king.

Dear Gilberto and Caetano, 'The imprisoned and the dead' reach out, please, join us in this by cancelling your gig in Israel.


12 June 2015

Dear Caetano and Gil,

I am writing to you to urge you not to perform in Israel while it continues its occupation and apartheid against the Palestinian people. When a leading South African music group insisted on ignoring appeals from Palestinian civil society to cancel a performance in Tel Aviv, I wrote to them: "Just as we said during apartheid that it was inappropriate for international artists to perform in South Africa in a society founded on discriminatory laws and racial exclusivity, so it would be wrong for Cape Town Opera to perform in Israel."

We South Africans suffered decades of apartheid and can recognize it in other places. I have myself witnessed the apartheid reality that Israel has created within its borders and in the occupied Palestinian territory. I have seen the occupied, colonized and racially segregated streets in Hebron, the Jewish-only colonies, and I have walked by the Wall that divides Palestinian families in Bethlehem and denies their children normal access to school. I have seen the racialized ID systems, different-color car plates, and the racial laws that discriminate against Palestinians. My dearest Caetano and Gil, I have seen Israeli apartheid in action.

But I have also experienced the nonviolent struggle of the Palestinian people to end the regime of oppression that denies them their rights and dignity. They have appealed to the world to apply pressure on Israel, as was done against apartheid South Africa, to end the occupation and violations of international law. I have supported their nonviolent boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement that seeks justice, freedom and equality for all.

If we cannot, at the very least, heed the appeals of Palestinian society, to refrain from undermining their peaceful resistance and aspirations for a life without oppression, we will be abandoning our moral obligations. In situations of oppression, neutrality means taking the side of the oppressor.

Without the international isolation of the apartheid regime in South Africa, including support for the cultural boycott, we could not have reached our freedom. Conscientious artists who refused to play Sun City contributed to our march for freedom, and we deeply appreciated their solidarity. You yourselves stood with us in the face of apartheid. So can you support the Palestinian pursuit of dignity and rights.

Your performance is scheduled next month, a year after the latest brutal Israeli attack on the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. Thousands of Palestinian sisters and brothers were killed and many more remain homeless. At that time, I witnessed the biggest demonstrations we ever had in South Africa since we liberated our country from apartheid. The streets of Cape Town were taken by thousands of South African men and women, young and older, standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

You, Gil, even sang for us, "Make red all the blue blood." You sang for "the lord of the African jungle," saying it is "sister of the American jungle." I add, our jungles are also sisters of the occupied Palestinian Jordan valley, of the olive trees in Jerusalem, and of the citrus orchards of the Holy Land.

I appeal to you to cancel your performance in Israel until the time when freedom reigns and your music cannot be exploited by an oppressive regime to cover up and perpetuate oppression. Only then can all Palestinians -- and Israelis -- live without oppression and truly enjoy your music.

God bless you.

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Cape Town, South Africa


Caetano and Gil: Be true to the Tropicalia way Stand with the oppressed and refrain from entertaining Israeli apartheid and occupation
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is deeply troubled to learn that you are scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv on July 28, 2015, while Israel continues unabatedly with its severe oppression against the Palestinian people. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinian communities in Jerusalem, the Naqab (Negev) and the Jordan Valley, building illegal colonies on occupied Palestinian land, and continuing the medieval siege of 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza are among the direst aspects of this regime of oppression. We urge you not to associate with this regime of oppression by cancelling your scheduled concert in Tel Aviv.

Performing in Israel today is the equivalent of performing in Sun City in South Africa during the apartheid era. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who Gil mentions in one of his songs in support of the black South African struggle against apartheid, has repeatedly declared that Israel created an apartheid system that is comparable if not worse to the one that existed in South Africa [1]. Why would two conscientious artists like yourselves lend their name to such a regime?

Aside from its occupation and denial of Palestinian refugee rights, Israel maintains more than 50 racist laws that discriminate against its "non Jewish" citizens, the indigenous Palestinian citizens of the state. [2] Even the U.S. Department of State has criticized Israel's "institutional, legal, and societal discrimination" against its Palestinian citizens. [3]

Your scheduled concert would fall right after the first anniversary of Israel's 2014 massacre in Gaza. This past summer, Israel committed what some world leaders considered a massacre [4] against the besieged Palestinians in Gaza, killing more than 2,168 Palestinians, including over 500 children. [5] Israel's 51day long assault annihilated entire families in their homes. [6] All what remains of these families are the official records documenting that they ever existed. A racist Israeli chant mocked the hundreds of Palestinian children murdered by Israel during its massacre in Gaza: " Tomorrow there's no school in Gaza, they don't have any children left." [7] Singing in Tel Aviv, some 70 km away from the besieged Gaza Strip, would send all Palestinians the message that our lives do not matter and ourhuman rights are not worthy of consideration.

Today, the latest target of Israel's racist policies are the approximately 60,000 African migrants and asylum seekers who have crossed into the country for shelter from persecution and abject poverty in their home countries. Instead of offering them protection, Israel regards the African migrants as a "cancer" and a threat to the "character of the Jewish identity of the state." [8] Under its repressive laws African asylum seekers can be imprisoned for up to a year and unlawfully offered a small monetary sum to leave the country. [9]

The struggles of the indigenous Palestinians and the African asylum seekers would be best served if you to stake a principled stance against Israel's racist and colonial oppression by refusing to entertain Israeli apartheid. Please do not perpetuate the silence and the wall of denial that stops the world from seeing the daily realities of degradation, racial terror, land theft, ethnic cleansing that we Palestinians are struggling against, and similarly prevent people from acknowledging the racist exclusion and repression that African asylum seekers are resisting.

In 1969, both of you were imprisoned by the Brazilian military government because of the political content of your songs and you were only able to write your music freely while in exile in London. Millions of Palestinians are now languishing under Israel's regime of occupation, colonization and apartheid. More than 5,000 are in Israeli prisons, of whom at least 500 are children. [10] We hence, appeal to you as we have appealed to conscientious artists all over the world to refrain from playing in Israel, as was done against apartheid South Africa, until it recognizes our rights under international law.

Your Tropicalia Way stands against racism and for social justice,so do not offer Israel a fig leaf to cover its human rights violations with. As Elvis Costello wrote, after cancelling a scheduled, soldout performance in Tel Aviv in 2010:

"There are occasions when merely having your name added to a concert schedule may be interpreted as a political act that resonates more than anything that might be sung and it may be assumed that one has no mind for the suffering of the innocent." [11]

Aside from Elvis Costello, prominent international artists from Roger Waters, Sting, the late Gil Scott Heron, Snoop Dog, Carlos Santana, Coldplay, Lenny Kravitz, Cassandra Wilson, Cat Power, Lauryn Hill and Faithless, among others, have all cancelled their performances in Israel.

PACBI and the broader BDS movement, representing the absolute majority of Palestinian civil society, thus appeal to you to respect our struggle. We ask you to uphold our strategy of nonviolent resistance and refrain from crossing a picket line called for by Palestinian society, endorsed by international organizations, and increasingly supported by progressive Israelis [12].

We urge you to heed our call by refusing to entertain Israeli apartheid.




Carta aberta a Gilberto Gil e Caetano Veloso
de Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro
Ex-ministro de Direitos Humanos do Brasil, membro da Comissão Nacional da Verdade e relator de direitos humanos da ONU

Há pouco mais de duas semanas, enviei uma carta a você, caro amigo Gilberto Gil, somando-me a esse apelo, organizado pelo movimento de Boicote, Desinvestimento e Sanções (BDS), para que você e Caetano Veloso não fossem se apresentar em Israel. Faço, agora, público esse meu pedido.

Escrevi minha carta, devo dizer, ouvindo à sua canção, Gil, "Oração pela libertação da África do Sul". Pois, efetivamente, o que está ocorrendo em Israel hoje é o aprofundamento de um regime de discriminação e racismo em que os árabes israelenses e os palestinos, nos territórios ocupados ilegalmente faz 58 anos, são tratados como cidadãos de segunda categoria.

Tive oportunidade de testemunhar recentemente essa situação, hoje extremamente agravada, quando visitei Belém, Ramallah e a faixa de Gaza. Os postos de controle para os palestinos entrarem e saírem de Israel são verdadeiras estruturas de selecionar gado. O muro que as vezes chega a 8 metros, cortou comunidades, e para cruza-lo, os palestinos são submetidos ao pleno arbítrio.

Muitas crianças precisando ir à escola do outro lado do muro, são obrigadas a esperarem horas até que possam passar. O impacto da violência e conflitos sobre elas é particularmente preocupante, impedindo o gozo de seus direitos e impedindo o seu desenvolvimento normal.

Nos últimos anos, há uma média anual de 700 crianças presas, muitas vezes espancadas e submetidas a tortura, submetidas a cortes militares. São regularmente detidas e julgadas por delito de jogar pedras, cuja pena é baseada no número e tamanho das pedras. A defesa legal das crianças é praticamente inexistente.

Gaza, já se disse, era e continua a ser uma prisão a céu aberto - antes e depois do último conflito com Israel. Nesta última ofensiva, além da morte de 2000 palestinos, mais de 113.000 casas foram destruídas. Ademais, o bloqueio por Israel continua.

Na Cisjordânia - ainda que pelos acordos de Oslo Israel tenha se comprometido a não expandir sua presença nos territórios atribuídos à a Autoridade Palestina - a realidade é que o Estado aumentou o número de barreiras, de postos de controle, dificultando cada vez mais a circulação dos palestinos enquanto promove a expansão e manutenção de assentamentos ilegais.

A essa situação se somam ameaças decorrentes de outras políticas e práticas relacionadas com a ocupação israelense. A violência, intimidação e assédio por parte de colonos na Cisjordânia, incluindo Jerusalém Oriental, hoje alvo da expansão ilegal de colônias de Israel, merece atenção.

Há uma falta de esforços suficientes pelas autoridades israelenses para investigar e garantir a investigação das violações do direito internacional humanitário e dos direitos humanos por parte das forças israelenses durante as operações militares e por parte de colonos israelenses que praticam atos de violência contra civis palestinos e sua propriedade. A falta de investigação eficaz e julgamento de atos violentos resulta em uma cultura de impunidade desde que se trate de soldados ou colonos israelenses.

Enquanto isso, civis palestinos continuam a ser submetidos a restrições à sua liberdade por parte das autoridades israelenses: a atual prática de detenção administrativa - detenção, sem acusação ou julgamento - pelas autoridades israelenses é de particular preocupação. Os maus-tratos de crianças palestinas sob detenção israelense, como já mencionei, é generalizada, sistemática e institucionalizada em todo o processo de prisão, julgamento e condenação.

Essas práticas contam, cada vez mais, com o apoio generalizado da população de Israel. A recente vitória nas eleições parlamentares a uma coalizão de direita e extrema-direita é um reflexo desse apoio. Chegando-se a ponto de dois ministros do novo governo israelense preconizarem, simplesmente, a extinção dos palestinos.

Eminentes jornalistas israelenses críticos da ocupação da Palestina, como o jornalista Gideon Levy, são obrigados a viver sob a proteção de guarda costas. Mesmo nas forças armadas, há vozes denunciando o desrespeito das convenções de Genebra nos ataques de Israel contra Gaza, vários soldados na iniciativa "Breaking the silence" testemunham sobre as atrocidades que foram obrigados a perpetrar contra a população de Gaza.

Também na área mais ligada a mim: as universidades. Vale ressaltar que, especialmente aquelas instituições nas áreas de ciências exatas e técnicas, estão ligadas às atividades militares israelenses.

Diante desse quadro de coisas, intelectuais, artistas, acadêmicos dentro e fora de Israel acreditam, como eu, que se impõe um boicote a Israel.

Desde abril de 2004, a Campanha Palestina pelo Boicote Acadêmico e Cultural de Israel (PACBI), instou os intelectuais e acadêmicos de todo o mundo para " abrangente e consistente boicotar todas as instituições acadêmicas e culturais israelenses como uma contribuição para a luta para acabar com a ocupação , colonização e do sistema de apartheid de Israel ".

Muitas universidades e departamentos acadêmicos, cientistas, e professores têm se recusado a participar em Israel de congressos ou de colaborar em intercâmbio intelectual. Há centenas de artistas, músicos, muitos certamente conhecidos por vocês, que se recusam – atendendo inclusive a apelos de Desmond Tutu - a se apresentar em Israel.

Ouvindo sua bela canção, Gil, sobre o apartheid na África do Sul, creio que a mesma atitude, por solidariedade aos palestinos, deve ser assumida por vocês, recusando-se a se apresentar em Israel.

Pelo exemplo, pelo reconhecimento que vocês têm no Brasil e em todo o mundo, pela influência que vocês exercem junto a milhões de jovens, pela autoridade moral de resistentes à ditadura militar e de lutadores contra a censura, ouso pedir a vocês que não se apresentem em Israel. O exemplo de vocês dois será uma enorme contribuição para aumentar no Brasil e no mundo a consciência sobre o apartheid na Palestina e a solidariedade com o povo palestino.

Desse velho admirador,

Abraços fortes do


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